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Let's talk about quilting and if you happen to be bi-lingual [you both quilt and knit] we can chat about about them both!

Using quilt pieces left from another project Part 1

We all have pieces left from another project that didn't quite make the size that we needed or we just made too many.  Not sure what the case with this was but I found many such pieces when I was cleaning out a box of UFO's.

I decided to work with them by making them a uniform size.  8" X 8" is a good size to expand on. Some of the pieces were already 8"x 8" while others needed to be extended.

I used a coordinating fabric 2.5" X 8" to add to one side of the 8" x 8" piece.

I then joined three sections into a strip.          Four strips into a topper.

This 3 x 4 square is just about crib size but I really think that it needs at least another row of color.  The border with the dots really gives a lot of color choices to choose from. 

Adding a border really can extend the little amount of squares that I started with.

Ann Arbor Adventure with Kay Part 2

Another group of shops we went to during our Ann Arbor adventure.

Pink Castle Fabrics
So many different fabrics.  The store itself had a very lofty warehouse feel to it.  Lots of Asian and foreign fabrics that you just don't see anywhere.  Too much to decide on.  I'm saving this place for our next trip to Ann Arbor for a purchase.

The Quilting Season

The ladies here were were a real joy.  They were getting fabrics ready for their big Christmas Open House. WOW.... lots of great samples. I got these chicken fabrics.  The chickens are a set of place-mats but I'm not sure yet if that's what I'll use them for.  I've got more chicken fabric at home along with some black and white fabric that might work out also.

Sandhill Crane Vineyards Wine & Wool Festival

Very busy.  Lots of vendors and all sorts of yarn and roving.